That’s how I measure the passage of time nowadays. So a lot has happened. For one, I’m in India, with baby, with family, sick in the stomach, bored out of my mind and 5 days into my vacation. I shall write more about the nightmare experience that was my flight to India, my deplorable firanginess or inability to overlook the dust and dirt that has infested my house, the general travails of a mom whose toddler refuses to eat, and said mom who wants to feast on the food that inevitably lands her in the hospital. There’s also the dawning of the realization as to the moronic notion that I am on vacation. No, it is my husband that is on vacation, I am but only the fool who thought lugging her daughter around across the world would get her some rest and relaxation. All is not so dark and dreary. There is the family I am here to be with that makes every bit of the pain worth it, but still I reserve the right to bitch and moan. There’s more, but for now this should suffice.
Only a new mom
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