We had never been to Central America and my image of Costa Rica included little more than colorful wildlife, lush jungles and volcanoes. I knew little and admittedly did little to read up on our destination but I was mostly looking forward to a break and being together.
Our flight was relatively short but we reached some time pretty late at night. We got a shuttle to a rental and finally got on our way. I was navigating so you know what that means. We missed the exit, classic getting lost in another country, but reached the hotel eventually. I gave my husband some grief because it’s customary and I’m all about traditions. We realized later on our drive out to the east that this miss was good. The shortcut was windy, isolated and pretty treacherous including a path engulfed in water that you had to cross. It was scary during the day so I cannot even imagine doing that at night!

Driving through Costa Rica

Tamarindo Beach

- There were 112 volcanoes in Costa Rica, 5 active now; Arenal means of sand – basically volcanic sediment, instead of lava it shoots out rocks; the first recorded explosion was 400 yrs ago and then one in 1968 before a surprise one in 2010 again
- We saw a rare flower Sobraliya amaryllis – 30 hr orchid, purple & white, alive only for 30 hrs

- The Eyelash viper has enough venom to kill four people – comes with around 20 colors – we saw the yellow one. We also saw Broad billed mot mot; howler and spider monkeys; several poisonous spiders and Tarantulas; Fruit Bats and another native bat species