- Don’t talk about it, be about it! (courtesy Dean Morgan)
- Learning is a skill that takes deep listening, digesting and the courage to push through step by step, as you falter, as you feel defeated, as you feel helpless, you go on and move mountains!
- I’m.possible!
- Choose the ones you surround yourself with care, they need to be the ones who are happy to see you happy and help your light shine brighter, protect that space
- Be courageous! Don’t let life pass you by
- If you try to please everyone then you serve no one
- Manage your time then you manage your life
- Be kind to yourself
- Be mindful of where you are using your energy and with whom
- Don’t hold on to anything or anyone too tight, let it go
- Enjoy everyone and everything that is there, in front of you, don’t chase waterfalls
- Keep it Simple!
- Nothing is the end of the world, only the end of the world is the end of the world. You can do this!
- Breathe!